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NATIVE TEXTS 733 mum ! " Nitemah ngei {gas nataan ,' itambeh me 1 " That dead man bit his back: (the man) excreted upon nitemah ngei ,' ivi ndeleui ndm/ur ngei irugb zm mim veri. Nï¬Åwut that dead man; he did ? that man fled outside. Dawn iwm, haw/m av aivwelem Zen naamal, nï¬Åmur um imp ngzi came, his friends came into the club-house, that man who had fled ivweri en havan arr “ Net mm atvweri ambwitgham, ngei said to his friends: "That which you said you would eat, that iiokh bughui!â€ù Havan ar atdvu, attagh vwele veri, atleh is inside!" His friends went, they hauled (it) outside, they saw nï¬Åmwot itokh ran. Atvwevi en nï¬Åmur ngei : “Sting! excrement was on it‘ They said to that man: “I say! mimwut Mei iei P " Ivweri “ Netn taan tï¬Ång, What excrement is this here? â€ù He said: “ That thing there, nemweiembwem I " Aser nï¬Åwei, atmamll baghah it is its excrement ! â€ù They took water, they washed (it) clean, attagh vwele uni Zen nambwilaghai, akmbemal, atgh/rnghmuh, they hauled (it) outside to the gongs, they ? , they cut it up, atndnngmiongzm, ahml/uh. A tvuhth ,' niimur ngei they divided it, they cooked it in an oven. They cooked ; that man iv-wrm' en huvan M: “ Nï¬Åmwot new itokh ran mtemah, said to his friends: “ The excrement which is on that dead man mbweli ngei, mum ngei r/mg; netuan tï¬Ång inggong nnou, too much, I did that (that is I) ; that thing there caught hold of rne, "nerong nemetaan, netambeh." I felt afraid, I excreted." Tr-re MAN wno CLEARED THE Rom T0 we LAND o1= THE DEAD Muruzm imah, reserenmbat lag tii, reserm minis A certain man died, they gave his club, they gave his bow and iii, 18861 niteli retou lm nivanm ,' imah, ivwu, arrow, they gave stone axe ? into his hand; he died, he went, ileh nitemah tmm ,' itokh nggor nisal. I ser he saw a certain ghost; it remained across the path. He took m'lu, ilu nitemah iemah ; ivwu, ileh mm the arrow, he shot, the ghost died; he went, he saw a certain man mlzmg. I takh sur sal ; ivunsav leui tree (called) mlang. It remained across the path; it brushed off naavaap tit. Ivu lie, ileh ndmbwï¬Åvnbar mel menu his penis—sheath. He went again, he saw a sow brown, sleeping sur sal. I ser niiwï¬Åns, isogh mbi/n ,' it/u, across the path. He took the spear, he speared it; he went, iviirhiis nisalr T mm imah lie, ima he cleared the path. A certain (man) died again, died again