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748 MALEKULA (ne)m¢i = (1) blood, sap of a tree ; (2) a bright red paint of great sanctity made from certain earth. (ne)mz (L.) : the croton ; this is especially the sacred plant of the Nim- Mlgki Tlel. (re)nsa'nsav-ill (L.): the great washing ceremony which takes place on the ï¬Åith day after birth ; cf. (r.e)nsamZI. nszmgnsa/ng (L.) : to make Oï¬Åerings of puddings to the spirits of the dead. (re)nsaviil (L.): to wash. (v:)nsa1/121 m nisii Kiel (L.) : “ they wash the sacred thing " ; this is the ceremonial killing oi the pig which is paid at a Nimamgki or mlemew celebration, Ior the new penis wrapper. (nwsmsonggur (L.) 1 perform the nsansonggorian rite. nsensonggorian (L.) : a rite connected with the Ninumgki Tie! in which the last pig exchanges are made in connection with a man’s death ; corresponds to the niiemah pigwere not members of the Nimangki Tlel. (ms)ns(m')nsLmggul (L.): the hibiscus; sacred to the Nimangki Misi. (ne)nsuI naai (L.) : the stick given by the bride’s father to the bride- groom to symbolize the transfer of authority over the woman. (ni)nsum (L.) : corresponds to the nimbinben armlet of Seniang. (m)nsumsur nagss (L.) : to pay a pig to “ wash out the name ", that is to cancel a kinship bond. (m')1m : a special variety of hat or mask worn by candidates to Nalmmm Vinbamp when dancing. (na)ngamgaI mialinge (Ue.) 1 the bull-roarer, used in the incision rites. Winggalal = the nettle-tree. ninggalat mbua : a. special variety of the nettle-tree to which the ancestral tree of the people of Loorlanggalat village belonged. (i)ngg1'l'ngg'ile0 (L.) : the payment made by a man to his wife’s brother ten days after the birth of a child. ninginggia : the plant from whose leaves a red infusion is made to repre- sent blood in ‘the New/inbuv rites. ninggingia nemar mbong : a. plant whose leaves are used for making rain. m‘/ngginggia nuuzlil hay: the phrase used to denote the whole preparation of coco-nut milk and other ingredients used in the naming rites. mmggub : a circle of small stone set up in certain Nalawan and N imamgki rites. nggar = to bar, obstruct. nggornggoy = a fence. ngguwggu (L.) : the paying oi a pig as an earnmt when a man is unable to make an adequate return gift to the animals presented to him at a nelemem celebration. (mz)nggunmggm' mwai (L.) : the stone partition which separates the amel irom the dancing ground at Sarembal village. mmggut = the banana. nunggut morot: a variety of banana specially associated with men and tabu to most women. (ne)ngungakhmie1 (M.) : the bull-roarer. ngunggur or ngungunu: a nose-stick. (i)amp= “ he throws,â€ù used of the presentation oi the pig which the introducer gives to the candidate during the entrance rites to a Nalawam or Nimangki grade. (na)on = " the face.â€ù (no)0nd = “ the basket." (n0)omi nimbatin tames: the basket in which the skull of a dead man is planed.