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z p 9 K r K GLOSSARY 749 (no)omi taptap or noon! mptup: the conical basket used for head- deiormation. (na)j>1zZ: variety of sacred hat or mask worn by members of Nalzw/an Nimbwtlei for certain rites in the Nalamam ceremonies. pupa : (1) a conch shell; (2) a. conch trumpet. ~ rambammp: the eï¬Åï¬Ågy made in Seniang of a dead man. (nu)mu: a tree with large plank-like roots. ravmv : adance performed during the entrance lites to Nnlawan Lelengi/a'a.l Nimbwilei Tonggar. (ï¬Åmwav: a gong-rhythm used in Ninmngki and Nalau/rm rites. (nB)n1' mevtis : objects planted between the {our temes at entrance to the grade Neliwis ; composed of sticks of nimwengk and white vivm leaves. (ne)ni nimetu = a coco-nut leaf or frond ; such a frond. is used in certain Nimangki ritual to represent the " door of the amzl“, which the candidate pays to be opened. (ne)rep: imperal/1 koenigii; a variety of grass, like blady grass, which grows as a proliï¬Åc weed in the gardens. (ne)'/emu (or nerev/12h) = “ the bow “ (i.e. the weapon). (ne)1evw baranggm : the bow used by an old man for the ceremonial shooting during the entrance rites to certain Naluwzm grades. rien long (La.r.) : a circular enclosure set up during the funeral rites for the ceremony of driving away the ghost ; cf. Lambumbu naaimbur. (m)n'viu, niriw, neriviuw: a variety of the umbrella palm. (ne)1~iu£11w lmmnggen : leaves used for cooking puddings in. romu (B.N.) : the bull-roarer; connected with the Nalauen (also called femur). (n0)vovu; a plant whose leaves are used for wrapping up puddings preparatory to their being put in the oven to cook. (no)rouw (or narovu) alum or mwouw bamnggen ; plant of which the rnid-rib of the leaf is used in a. mock combat during the incision rites. (vie)-/-umbwe-n: the second largest variety of gong‘ sumbasamp: (Lg.) to behave with licensed familiarity towards certain relatives. (ni)sMnj> : a house~like structure erected for the entrance rites to Nalawan Nisamp 1 in shape it resembles a lean—to shed with both ends open. It is in appearance the same as the mbangap of Nimangki M balm q.v.). (m')$4£ng: a food plant; forms part of the vegetable produce which is provided by the bride’: father at a wedding. (i)sar mbwir : a phrase signifying brother-sister exchange marriage. (nijseiluz an enclosure formed by men carrying coco-nut fronds, inside which an old man oi high rank is decorated to perform the " hawk dance " at the entrance rites of Nimangki I‘/B7/211/tl and higher grades. (nijszleu: an eel; its representation is put on the sesmandm for the entrance rites to Nalawan Amel Sesmnmim. (i)sembsr (L.) : (1) to touch; (2) used metaphorically of the payment of a pig for the various regalia bought at a Melemzw; (3) used for a form of death-magic worked through the medium of touch. sembwasam (L.) : to behave with licensed familiarity, such as is allowed towards certain relatives. sesmamim: a kind of screen hung over the front of the amel for the entrance rits to Nalawan Amel Sesmamiur. Three of these are hung over the front oi the amel ior the entrance rites to Nimangki Naamzl. (n'i)sev:i (L.) 1 markets held by the coastal and bush-folk for the exchange of food-stuffs. 4 1 ‘ a .