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E E GLOSSARY 751 (nB)t¢l = the cord. (ne)tel muluumn; a special cord made only in Lan-ibumbu and Bagasa iron: a creeper called mbirip ; it is pl.lI'Ch3.S€d at enuance to high Nimangki grades, and is used for fastening on the head-dress worn during the dances of these grades. (m)tel silks: said to be a mat in the form of a man ; an object of the greatest sanctity, made only in Lambumbu. The privilege of seeing it is purchased at entrance to Nimanghi Namu. (1:i)temuh (L.) : (1) a ghost ; (2) an instrument made from a large bamboo pipe supported at one end used in the incision rites ; (3) the ceremony which concludes the funeral rites and ends the period of mourning; (4) efligies carved out oi wood. (ni)!2mah takhtnkh (L.) : “ the ghost he endures " ; a name for the large bull-roarer (" the mother") which is used in the incision rites. tzmes: (I) a ghost ; (2) an effigy set up for ï¬Åre entrance rites of every Nimangki grade in which an ancestral spirit is believed to reside intermittently; (3) subsidiary efligies oiten set up for entrance rites to Nimamgki grades, but whether believed to be occupied ever by spirits is not stated ; (4) the name oi one of the faces carved on the numbou timbarap (q.v.) ; (5) the name of a design on an arm-band “ belonging to " the grade Nimzmgki New/eluel. tomes malau (tsmes = ghost ; maluu = bush turkey) 1 (1) a mythological being, apparently especially associated with the N alau/an N imbwilei grades; (2) a certain kind of mask connected with the Nalawan, possibly the same as the iemes nagaal ; (3) a heavy wooden “ mask " or disguise, worn at some stage during the entrance rites to Nalauum Nimbwilei. temzs mbalmbul: the hats or masks of the Nalawam society. lzmes mbalmbal noon im : " the temes mbalmbal with two faces â€ù ; possibly the same as the temes mzplzl ; a mask which belongs to the grade Numbau aimbamp. lï¬Åmes mbalmbal norm isii = " the temes mblzlmbal with one iaceâ€ù; a variety of mask belonging to the grade Nisamp. lzmzs mbalai: an important variety of non»human bush spirit; the visible {arm of the " spirit " of e naai male tree. lemes mbatm: the two larger temes carved with two faces, set up at entrance to the grade Mbatm. temes mzainggol: the wooden cylinders which when blown into made a. sound which is supposed to be the noises oi the ancestral spirits; these cylinders are very sacred and belong to the Nalawun society. temes nupal : one of the masks oi the Nalawan ; worn only by members of Nimburilei or higher grades. temes ndmrmdam: the name oi the gong-rhythrn beaten to announce that a man has been killed in war. - temes (m')mbwemwe1'l = “ the young cycas temes " ; the name oi a mask belonging to the grade Ame] Sesmcmdur; it is also called temes mbalmbal noon lllil, that is " the temes mbalmbal with three faces ". temes niuinbur : the ï¬Ågures and modelled heads used during the Nivinbur rites. temes (nu)mb-step: a. variety of mask belonging to the grade Naainggol or perhaps Lelengmfal. temes pnpas: a variety of mask belonging to the grade Naamel Limbu. temes mmbu : a rite of divination by means oi which it is discovered what village is responsible for a person's death. ' tame: mmbumbal z a variety of plant planted for the death feast. tame: sumjasumpz (I) the temes of the Nimangki grade Tambap, which