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“'5 > 1 X 1? l Y 1 GLOSSARY 753 £125: to paint. (m')t1'ls 1 a geometrical ï¬Ågure-drawing. tum (L.): (I) the condition oi any object which has been charmed; (2) the condition of a magician who has observed the necessary tabus. (*’?]h4'/WQ (L-J I *0 Tflpiy a. pig which has been loaned to one for, e.g., paying a. bride~p1'ice. (n0)umbnu or (n)umbau: a post or pole. (n)umb0u riimbamp: a special conical enclosure set up round the gongs for the rites of Nalawzm Numbau aimbamp. (n)umbau milamp = " the woman post â€ù; the back centre-post of the amel. (n)umb0u mamt = " the man post â€ù ; the front centre-post of the amel. (vdumbou nemim : " the bird post " ; set up at entrance tn the Nalawan grade of this name. (n)umbou nin nemm : the decoration of plants set up round the matanhal for the rites of the Nalawn-/i Nimbwilei Tonggar grades. (-n)umbou timba‘/H/P : a pole carved with eight faces set up for the rites of the Nalawzm and Nimimgki grades of this name. (n)umi7014 nivinsiimgk loor ha: a pole carved with a number oi faces set up for the rites of the Naluwan grade oi this name. (nojw/iei: thatching palm, or ivy-nut palm. (najusmz = the penis. (-na)us1m mmbuas : “ the penis oi the pig " ; a variety oi dark red croton belonging to the Nalawan. ut lalo (B.N.) : the sacred place of the clan ; cf. nembrmbrkim oi Seniang. (na)uwi: a variety of or generic term for wild cane. (m')1mal = war. (m')11aal lium (L.) : strife within the village or clan. imgha miiw (L.) 1 (I) “ to quicken " (trans) ; (2) to make good the loss of a gift pig which has died. [Note the use of the causative preï¬Åx.] (nï¬Å)1/ali (L.) : the candidate (for the incision rites and for the Nimwngki Tlel). (nflvalual: the secret house in the bush in which are kept the sacred head-dresses of the Lupus society. (naifldn or ('fllL)Il1fl/It = the fruit. (mz)1/em mbatia : (r) a post set up for the rites oi Nimangki Nzvelvel and kindred grades ; (2) decorated stakes, crowned with a coco-nut, thrust through the Nalawan structure at entrance to certain grades. (na)v/an mbulus : husked, dried coco-nuts, painted red, white, and black, and used to decorate the niuimi funeral bier during the death rites. (mi)v//m wdimiuel : a coco~nut hung up in connection with a. Nimmighi shucture for, e.g., the rites of Nimew and Neliwis. (na)1/an temes : “ the fruit ghost " ; a pole, running parallel to the ridge pole, in an amel. navanmm or um/amuw : a balloon shaped structure hung up for the rites of Nimnngki Mbalmbal. (M):/at (L.): cf. Seniang newt. (ml)1/21/al: the house where the ceremonies of the Lupus are performed. (i)1/el: to observe tabus connected with sex, food, drink, etc. (m')11ehan: the observance of tabus relating to sex, iood, drink, etc., preparatory to working magic, entering Nalawan grades, etc. (ne)ven (L.) : a variety of head-dress usually purchased at e Nimangki when a man is taking the title of Rus Nevat. (i)vem'uenai: the rite which terminates the seclusion of the incision candidates. (ne)vet = the stone. (vie):/at namar 1 “ the famine stone " ; one of these is found in the sacred ccc ii