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F» 1 1 E E A F _ GLOSSARY 755 (m')wim : an instrument, giving forth a piping sound, blown by candidates for Nalau/an Vimbamp. . ('/w)wcw: a. sorcerer or magician; see also (n'i)mbatin nowor. (ne)wut: (1) a space, or period; (2) a piece, part, section. (ne)wut bilian: another name for the sacred place of a village; cf. nzmbrmbrkon. wut maul (L.) : the sacred place belonging to a. clan ; cf. the nembrmbrkan of Seniang. (ne)wut tisamp: a. place where the temes of Nimangki Tamap grade are put at the end of the ceremonies after they are removed from the amel. Another name for the nembrmbrkzm (q.v.). ' I J. , 5, H H