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>-_w.v.-N-L. ll -. E. % 1 ti 5; > 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY The following list of publications includes those books and articles to which reference has been made in the preceding pages, as well as others, not referred tq, in which mention is made of Malekula. The list does not pretend to be exhaustive, but contains all the more important works which have a bearing on the ethnology of this island and representative writings by travellers and missionaries which are of value though not primarily scientiï¬Åc in aim. ALLEN, PERCY S. Stewart’: Handbook of the Paciï¬Åc Islands. Sydney, I923. pp. 5o9—5Io, 520, 525. BAKER, ]. R. “ Notes on New Hebridean Customs, with special reference to the Intel-sex Pig " : Mun. Vol. xxviii, No. 81. I928. pp. I13-I8. BALFOUR, HENRY. " Memorial Heads in the Pitt-Rivers Museum "1 Mun. Vol. i, No. 51. London, 1901. p. 65, pl. E, Nos. 1 and 2. BARNARD, T. T. "The Social Organisation of Ambrimâ€ù: Mam. 1928, No. 103. Bmmoum, MARCEL. “Trois dents de Cochon Tabou des Nouvelles- Hebrides": Bulletins et Mémaiies de la Soaiété d’Anthropolugie do Paris. VI° Série, Tome iv. Paris, 19I3. pp. 637-9. BOUGAINVILLE, L. A. DE. Voyage uutaur du Monde par lu Frégate du Roi, Lu Boudeuse. Paris, 1771. pp. 248-9, pl. x. Bounce, GEORGE. Les Nauvelles-Hébrides dz 1606 d 1906. Paris, r906. pp. 118-137. BUSK, GEORGE. " Notes on a. collection of Skulls from the Islands of Mallicollo and Vanikoro in the New Hebrides Group "1 journ. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. vi. London, 1877. pp. 200-208, pls. ix—xii. CAILLIOT, E. " Notes ethnologiques sur l‘ile de Mallicolo": Revue 1Z’Ethnogmphie. Vol. vi. Paris, I887. pp.51'r~12. CHARTIER, H. LE. La N ouvelle-Culédonie et les Nouvelles-Hébridzs. Paris, 1885. pp. 207-219. CHEESMAN, L. EVELYN. “The Island of Malekula, New Hebrides." The Geog;/. joum. London, 1933. lxxvi, pp. 193-2x0. —— Backwaters of the Savage South Seas. London, 1933. (This book, dealing with Malekula, was published after Deacon's book was in print, , and so is not referred to in the text.) CODRINGTON, R. H. The Melanesian Languagzs. Oxford, 1885. Z The Melunesians: Studies in their Anthropology and Folk-Lore. Oxford, 1891. Coox, JAMES. A Voyage towards the South Pole and Round the World. Performed . . . in the years 1772, 1773, x774, and x775. London, 1777. Vol. ii, pp. 28-37. DEACON, A. B. " The Kakihan Society of Ceram, and New Guinea Initiation Cults" : Folk Lore. Vol. xxxvi. London, r925. PP- 331-361- ? “ The Regulation of Marriage in Ambrym â€ù : jouv. Roy. Anthrap. Inst. Vo1.lvii. London, 1927. pp. 325-342. -—- " Notes on Some Islands of the New Hebrides â€ù: ]ouv. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Vol. lix. London, 1929. pp. 461-515. DENIKER, ]. " Collections ethnographiques, raportées de Melanesia par 1e Dr. Frangois ": Le Natumliste, Revue Illustrée des Sciences Naturelles. 2% Série, No. no. 1891. pp. 227-9, 243-7. 757