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764 INDEX ' ' Child-birth, facts relating to in Seniang and Mewun, 235 cliililgcugu, so Clllld-Splfltï¬Å, su ply of, sss Children, desire For, 231 ; of Malekula. clzaractei of. 18; reincarnation 0! Spirits ll], 558 “ ciicliug sci pigs," 2&9 Circumcision among Big Nflrnbflfl, lo, I4; umlidates, seclusion cf, 233; candidates. tluashing of, zes, » operation described, 283; rites among Big Nambas, 290-4 Clairvoyants, uses 0! at beginning of illness, 590 Clam (Giant), Ambst and, legend of, 618; Butwinabaghap and the, 629, 630, G33 Clan as land-owning unit, 00 ; fertility ceremony of (nuruI1),548,-—-rites, e1o; gong-rhythm characteristic to each, 136; lend, wlnmon, 179; land in Snniang, sub-division nl, l7Z; magician, duties of, 893; megicinns, exclusive POSQGSSOYS of astronomical knowledge in Seniaug, 115; magicians (Nsmughu! no ha) cvl Melpmes. method of burial, Sélill ; uiagicicuu of Melpmes, journey to Xe: Namalb, 563; magicians, six months’ seclusion before induction to cmce. 694: magicians, ciicie nl planting and harvesting vi yams decided by, I75 ; mombcrsllip, dull, l4l, 142, H8; nlulnbership 0!, prohibitions to marriage based upon, ls~l ; of the spouse, regulations to bu observed with regard t0, S97 or (lesolznt gwnp, mm! temu, running from one to uic other. e2; organization, social aspect uf, sa: Overlordship oi, dorrunant with regard to land, l79; village, "parent sazzrcd ‘place 01 (Nem- bvvnbrhan), 53; villages, "parent" and " oflspring sa Clans, distinctive g<>ug»iluyniiuu of, 2s : distxlbuï¬Åon oi, 25: exogamous. division into, 52 ; in single district, hostilities between, 211 ; irldividuali iiuiubcc 0! villages occupied by, 53: linked, 143; linked, marriage between prohibited, 143; list oi, With respective noglw objects, eos ; marriages between, prohibition oi, l32, I83; of Semlmg uiul wilcmp. list of, with totem: Lnd Nnnlll, 599402; of Seniang, Wllempi south cuastal districts and Mewun. distinctive gonpbems of, 54-71 puicur village: of, !M;r€d plcccc attuned Q0, 589 Clnnaman and non-clanslnlm, oflence of truxpase as distinguished between, an Classiï¬Åcatury system of Malekulau kinship, 70, 75, 76, 77 Climatic diflerences in Mqlslnlla, 1 cliinbiug by man in presence cl mother-in-law forbidden. 35 Clothes. making oi. as Clulz-house, Men's (Amal), 40, 41, 167, 339, 3402 arrangement of, 24; picmicc of rnmbammp in, sss ; purposes for which used, 23; S51! alsn Amal Club-houseï¬Å, men's, 27, 36 Clubl, Malekulall, ï¬Åve varieties Of. description, zle Coastal region. soutlrwest, villages Of, names with clan gong, s9 O0CWll1t, association with Hanlbat (uucica buiugl, 187; lauunhing of, after lllnera. , 570, 571 7 rich vocabulary wnnected With, I87, l83£ sanctity of, 1&1; sprouting, in earnest of payment of pigs, 197 Coco-nut oil, anointing of bride with, H5, 155, I62 Dom-nut trees, tabu-rnnrk ant up Q0 gum. 188. lee Coco-nutl, 177; eflect of on child- beeï¬Ång, zsl ; magic to ensure gmwth ni. 668 ; protection of, 188 195. —~ by magic, see Cddiazflm uzrisgaluin, 4 Codrlngtou, R, ll. (<Â¥wtedj, 10s Conch, ritual signi icance el, 498; bluwers nt Nimzngki, 858 Condominium, in regard to liquor, xix ; unutislnctory working cl, xix CODfll0l3, rules of, lo: mun visiting wile’! viuugu, IOD; Slnlldflldfl ul, in Mflekulan society, so Cook, cuï¬Åpuiiii, in company with his men, ice Europeans to land on Maleluzla. I8 Conklng 0f evening rum, :41 ccpiu trade, l77 Copulation. (requency in dis- couraged, 155; time and place for, 155 ; when ï¬Årst pennitbed, 149 Cmil (an-nation, islands of, separated from east coast of Mnlekllla, 3 Curdyhne lermivlfllis, 4 Counter-megifl, 604, 664: necessity of peifuffflflflfle cl, ass Cousins, res Cross-oousins Creation, the (mm and -fnllslltivul, 730 Creeper, cl~iilu- who was swamhcwed by (um and lrnnslaï¬Ånfl], 7:40 Cross-cousins, anomalous grou ings of in Malull and Ten Matou, 1l,S, I20 ; nlarnage between iii Mewun fur» hidden, 95; maternal, i.fl0fl'B-lOl! clucciug cl, lze, 128 ; paternal and maternal, crosilng 0!, in Urlgiv, l24, — anomalous Glaser of, l 5. 128 Cmtnu, importance 12% in‘ eyes of k , l