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57 1 ,
'1 1 1 1' ,. INDEX 765 n111v111, 4; no 1111111 11111111111 111 mhabit, 54s ; 111111111, 379, aao; 1111, 11111111 111 11111111111111; 11111, 271, 2511 c11111111111, 11111111>11111111 11 111 M.-11111111111, 10 1111q.,_ 1111111 111, 11 ; 11111111>n11@11 111 1n 1111111111111 11111 111111111111, 119811111. 0111111; 1n11 11111 language, distinction drawn 1111-1111111, 50; 1on1dne1111111111 1111, so ; 1151111111 11 an 11 11111, 50 0115111111 11111111-1 1n 1-nattilineal 11-11. 7 s Cycau 11 11 111111 1n111111n Mewun, 1s; 1111n11, 111-111111n 1n 1111111111 g11111n, 1711; 11111 11 1 11111;, 365,-11111 111 1n 111111 1111111 1111 1111111111111 111 11111- 1111111111, 1311, 1119; 111111111, 1111111111111 1111 in ~1'»11111;I11' 111111111111.-11, sac; 11111111, 11111 1111 111 entrance 111 1;111111 1.1111111, 572; 11-111, 11111111111111 tn, 111 P151 in payment 1111 111.111, 11111; 1-1111111, 11131 1111111111 111 1111111 111111111 111, a71 cy11n11111, 1-1111111111, 11111111, 111 11111111- 1.1011 1-11111 ceremonials, 1197, 19s; (T111111 11111111111111!) 1111111111111), 1:1 1211111 1¢111111p111y111g 111111 1111 11111111/11 111 girl‘; 111111 111 1.1111111111111111, 450; 11111111111 11111111 and 111111 51 p1g1 111 1111111»;/11 1111.1v111, as4; 1n1111111111, 111111111; 11111111111111 <11 incised nny, 257 ; 1111111111111, nn11 11111 11 M11111 'r1"1111>11/.1, esa, 1154; 111 1/1111111111, ass 111111111-1 11 1111111 111111 111 1111111111111, name 111, 4114; p11111111n 111111 N11111: dance, 471, - 1111511111 111, 471 13111111, 111111111; 11111111111111 111 111111111- cision candidates, 2114 Dancing, 41; 11 g11111 cerelncnivs, 411, 419, 417, 421 1111111111;-,;111111111, s11111111111 111111111, avenues 111 111111111 1n, 2a, so ; Saxembal village, 11111111111111 111, 2s, 29, 110,- 111111111 on, 29, so; 111.-1111 111, 11111111; celebration 111 21111111111111 11111, 413, 515, 5211 u11111;111111 111 1111111 1111111111-, 11111111111 111111, 1:15 Daughter villages 11111 parent villages, 25 n111g111111'1 111111111111 111111 11111111 1111111111111, 1111111111111 111 conduct 111 111 11111111111 101111111, 109 1>1y, 11111111111 1111 1111111111 111 111 111111111 111 Senia.11g,35 Deacon, A. 12., 11111111111111:11n11-111111111111 111 Vanbiil. 534. 5:15: ¢11111¢1111n 111 11111111111111 genealogies 111111111111), 75; 11111111111nn 111 ~1'111111g111'11 v111111n11, 362-371 ; duscription of prcoeedings 11 1111111111111 11111111111111» (Nemwelcw village), ssa-261 ; 11111111111111 01 cumpruhamion 111 111111111-1.1n1,1 111 11111111111111-y 1111111 11 1111111111 111 purely ¢111111n1~.111111y 1111111111 (111111- n11w), 76; 11111"1111111y 111 11111111111-1n,; notes oi, xxxiij, xxxiv ; difliculty of 11-1111111111; notes 111, 111111111 ; home 111 1111 1111111 1111 1111 1111111111 01 Seniang, 554 ; identity 111 A1111111 11111111311, sza; 1n¢11n111111;111y of in 1111 111; native words, xxxvi; information 1111111111111 by Xelating 1,11 1-11-111111n1111n 111 1n1~n11m, 591 ; legends concerning beings callad Ambat, GM; life 111 11111 Iogllor, 1150: 1111 111 grades 111 Seniang 1v1'»11111,;11a (11111111111=). 279-1301 lisï¬Åi of Nalnu/an grades [mm sonfth OI Ma-lekflla, 429, 430; notes 1111 abject 111111 nt enhance 1111-111111111111 1n 11111111115211‘ grades, sax; on ceremony, 111§11111g11 111111111, 570; on chamcter O Malakulans (q11n1n11), 17; on 1111111-1-1111111, zas; nn ¢0nnectiuI belween totem, neerew, n1111 11111111111111, 1107; on entrance 111 111111111 11111 Hambi 1111111111111), sao; 11n 11111111111 1111 1111111-11111 1: lumoran, 640; on Nalml/an mnskfl 11111 11111, 1211; 1111 11111111 111 11111 111 mother’: brother, 241, 242; uu 1111111111111-1111, 211, 242; on 111111111 ccrcmcnics of diflcrcnt Agzlnwan 111-11111, 425; 1111 P111111 111 11/1.111111n11 11111111111112, 4 ; 1111 11111111 111-51111111- 111111 111 .cniang ($11114), 411; 1111 1111111111111 (footnote), 17; 11n 11y;;n111.1 111 1111111111111 1111111111111), s; nn racial struirw in Malekukl, 10; 1111 11111111111; 111 11111110111111 111 Nimrmgki, 352 ; 111111111 pottery 111 Lnmhumbu, 638 1 similarity between 1v1'1111111,;111' T111 of 1.1111111111111111 1n11 T1111111111 of 5111111111 1111111111, 455, 453; lranxlations of 1111111111 and myths in dialects ct Malckula, 715 at 151,; views on distribution‘ 0! Nmmngki 111 M111111111 11111 1111511. bflnriug 1111111111, 1152 Dead, 1111, 1111111111 111 11111 living !OWu'ds, in Malekula, 552; balieis concerning among Big Nambas, 584; cult of, 558; dispvsnl of, 51s; 1111 11111 111 111111111; 1111 Big Niamhaa, £82,-—by burill, 58B,— 1-1111111111 11111111, sea; 11111111111 111111 Muwun, 559; 11111111111 111 111 1111 Sputh-west, 518 at :4q,; memorials of, 544 Dcad 1111111, 11111111 1111, 11111111n 11 uak.ing, 15, 544; 11.1 111111 Ramlmmmp 1211111, 11111 11111111111 111 1111 111111 1n the north Of Maleknla, 554 dl s:q.; 111111 sickneswmagic, sea ; 1111111111, 1111111 11 to, 519; 11n1y 1111111111 111 1111-,1 11111 111111111, 51s; 11115111 111,