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V4-;i_. ~'~ _-,..-1;-_‘-w‘;;'§ .1 1 ‘I l‘ ll J INDEX 767 l90,—!'l8fl'lfldS 5nli&15yw iii Limi- biiiiiriii, 191; Ofl lcklllln coast, iii=c1ii>a= iii, 1219, 190; tihlfll “P551 51, 1112, 19a Flkhiflg-mflï¬Åin, 195 1=1imi iii Mii iiiiiiii, flflflflhg I9C0l'd€d, a Flying 151 (P1009145). Only Dl3'IJD'lfl.l iI;|dl§€I|0l! xii M1Ckfll3, :1 Fuod, iii Milï¬Åkfllins, 1e; piqiwd mi- aim iii I-BD1i1§. sea; 8'lPp0S£d 15 bï¬Å iiiiuiii by giiiism, aieiiii 51. 549: TLlJlS 151- clICl!l'lOl5l0h uiiaiaam dflflfls !9Cl!Si0fl, ass; fllbfl! f0!’ lfllglï¬Ålalli, langih of ï¬Årllh mi» Ob- SBIVSDCB 01, sss; flbfli 70! ‘l!DVlCES it lnlfllï¬Ålflll XHSCS, 255 F00dShlfl5, iICf68-SQ of, Clflfl ffllfllliy i-mi mi-, e12, 514, e15. z=ip=1 UM 01, Fimi, sii I&D§, ess, (lcutnow) ass; Klqï¬Ånlliï¬Åfl ii: “Il'llg|CBl,â€ù e94 Fl'l%IlCl Cblnpflllifll iii uiiw 1-lflhrlduï¬Å, XXV Fl‘BI1ChmBI.‘l, i:li§li£O15 miii-iiicc, iiiii 1=ii5iia<1ii1iiii, Qlllllflll EXPIB-3!l0!‘l iii. 53 Fringo-skirt and mat-511.114: area! of Malekula, l4, 15,—c‘u:&1§llk:1ent1rel llfllï¬Åflg, 15; urea 0 iii 1, 15: culture, 705 ; wearing Of, rxtxlcted F..‘fi.Â¥;‘i°'“"‘5i“‘ “""i’° "i°5ii. 1 ud ,ex ange o vegea 1: - iitufls Lmween visitors and hosts iiz, 542; iii1iiiiii1, 551 Fflneffll rites, HlJC01‘dI'1g 1.0 glad!) of Nimangki iiiiii NMAWBH Soclï¬Åï¬Åfls iii fluid man, 5197 and beliefs <1! E1151: Mllekula, 585, 585; and secret wcieï¬Åes, relations betwevn, 709; dc- §§“°°'~" ‘E‘Zi‘§“ '“}l'illԤiJi‘i'£i-‘i‘§‘i§'i“l‘o§" e 1 . ; i , : in Ierï¬Åigence be osltion in Nalmulm ma es, ; 1- 554 11' iigkipgi-iia 519 (1v' manghi rm) iii L3l11blEll)l Bud Sflllfll Mfllakflla, 101; 01 LHQBIBQ, 576; of Laravax, 575.—poi1.1is in which diï¬Åering from those 1:! Tam- bumbu, 575 ; pig-giving ceremonies connected with, 5 S, 5 9, 540, 541, 542 FlhQl'fl-ll, beliliillg 01 gm}?! iii “IE Llfld 5:11;; D9lfl du1'in|(,5 5; ‘pig-giving it, s Giiiims, 45, 11 siioiii, F1‘¢hCh =iiid Eiigiiini, 1>mWDYK Smflhg PHSODBIS, xvii Gifdfln Inflggh 155; imflng Big Nflmbfll, :1; tillage, 501116 riiiiii thX0lgl10IH1 Mfllï¬Ållfllfl, 12 051115111, ¢ii1civii¢iiiiiii of flhï¬Åfllél‘, 119; iiiiiiiiiuime of. 115 Gutog and Livmi, WBddiilg of, w-5 HIODY described, 151, 15a Gï¬Ånmloglï¬Åal PG-lflLlD.‘l!]‘LlP, Pl'Olfll3'iC‘lOl! m 1'Dfl.Tl3.g8 based UQOH, 184 G€l1PAl0gi2S, Mklekulln, cnllecked by DQ610011, where £0 be COn5lllBd, 15; 01 P511515 01 MQWHH ï¬Å‘igl‘l’lGflCi.'y, 151 GEIIGKIUDDS, 1111151-511:, 111B.l’l‘i.&g2§ 1». CW9!!! people Of, 159. 110 Gcllilinls, ‘€‘Ihfl.l5, GXPOSDTG 51 flmmlg Naflll Biigai WDIIIQB, 15 Geometxical ï¬Ågure, N51/:1 N ambat, 635 ; ï¬Ågl'BS, diiiwiiig 01 iii iiiiiid, 44; designs drawn by natives 0'11 sand iii Malékflll iiiia Ambfyffl, D€3.CODi'S dismveries of, xviii choir, iiuiiiciiiw iii diwnvery 51 murderenl, 550, 551; driving out, as part of ï¬Åineral rite, 529; male, barren wiiiiiiiiiui CODiC6PdUD believed to be due tn, 551-2; (Nilamalg), 577 ; of deceasad man, departure o , cere- monias 1.0 haskeu, 569,— ador- rnances connected with, 558, 559 ; of min bflflï¬Åd, piiipm 51 miimbur wiui meieiii» to, 511 ; piims (T277123 Nahal) ]i1‘|klI.1%wVl|,llg¢S 01 seiiuiiig wiui those ii! GWIXIX, ass GIWSIB, ancestral, cult of, as represented by '1'.imi, ass ; coiimmiiiniuii i>1iiii- dnnik water by, 577 ; dread of food Sl‘p'p0$¢d <5 1» Lnuthtd by, 5-10; lam oi, 587 ; fears 0! in La.mb|ml.vu and Llgilflg, 500; fernalfli viiinii; man 111 dreams, 551; ‘kind of mosi lured, 5732 male, visiting women in dreams, 551 ; mm boasting no‘; to be afmid oi [text And transla- mii), 1a1 ; flB(’.h0fl! 51 warding 511, 549; nervous dread cl, in Mllc» kula, 563; ‘path 0! the (Nzhnl lanai), 52; l’EiXl'IU‘l§ to hifllï¬Åi tho living, 511; illppï¬Ålbd hctlvity O7, 512; (Times), 551151 ii-1, 45 Gifts Sflï¬Åbtiltsd wini BICDIOYY of 55551455, P!flE61.Aï¬Ål7l'l 01 iivoidwl, 539; cmnplicutcd distribution oi, 199: i5¢iiiii,ii5i==ii111y 01,200 Girdle! ])ltClm5a.ble it A Nzlemiflll, 343 ; described and ï¬Åguxbd. 848$ 0111, Xfllfliflgfl 51, pl’Gl.lll.lflN’y 101', 145 ; €a1;p0BBl Dl mlffilgb miiiing miiii, ciiviiig, 51-1 of, N11.i»iw or Nimflngld 38 mat iii. s51 Gong, carved iiiiii piiiiceii, BlX> iiieiiiiimi by ciick. ï¬Ågufc 51, ass; new, Q'B0!l0n 51, 510 siiiig-1>=5v., (ll5ï¬Ål|2CiVO villages 51 iiiig15 Clifl iiiiiuid in })0!506llDR 51, 54 GO!1g~bQflf.S, n1cln11so!Seniang,Wilemp, miiui Cbflslfll dish-ict aiin MBWBB, 54-1: flisflaiiiiig by mans 51,