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768 INDEX account of (text and translation), 57-9 Gong-language, tm.n.n1ii.ssinn of messages by, ise Gong-making in Lagalig. 508; cflvlnohifl . 510-l7 Gong-rhythm (munrpmlew), beating oi. in summon fo dc ribea, 412; dnnrmrrirud beg)“ ing to each village of nnenrziu. 91; (m niimgki rank Nuvgag, 520; meaning " oome lkllklily ", ; Mai rï¬Ås, 4! G0ng~l'hyt Ins, 15, 20, 132; associated with pigs, 501, soz; changes in, at Nimangki, 370, 871 ; (clnn) dl villages oi Seniang, Wilamp, Hurtes, Squib - West Coaxial Region and Tummen Island, and Mewun, 65-70 ; distinctive of clans, 26, nae; great varimzy 01, sos; nume- matical eauty oi, 508; music ol, described, ass; naai lama/at (the "Beat ex Peace"). 565; ei m- naught‘ gxudes 0! deceased, man of, 4 ; signalling by mï¬Åans di, 1; 20; signiï¬Åcance 0!, 459, 500, 591 ; sounded at death 01 Aillll of Vanbfll, 535; at funeral of Apwil Nalndll, 531 ; sounded at Nelmisw (Nemwelew village), S58-361 Gong~nignn.lling, constant use cf. 503 Goug~|lgna.ls not highly devel ed in Larnburnbu and L flu , 50â€ù: Gongs, beating ol in aeie fend 0! me Dead during mnernla, 556 ; benung of, rites ol Naemu Ralml-amp begun with. 64], — to anncunwa new moon in least of Nlaraw Rurulemp, 543; dance round in Nnlawan Nnainggol cezcxnnny, ma; creating of, wre- innniei, (f00¢.nl7tu)l43, so , sos ; agi- Orhnt rt a ed b , 4 ; flllekulanï¬Åour vgrigljus, 43;); Na!- nwnn of flue, 388, 415; old, use of, in burial 0! maginiuns, 612; an dan- cini ground, Surembal vi.l1ige,- de- lcri ed,29, an; shooting er, Gelemuny oi, 414 ; slit, Wooden, ritual signiï¬Å- mime of, 498; sounding of nt Ni‘- maalghi celebration. 356, 357 ; used in Lapin dnnce, 485; village, 24 ; sea me Nnlmunn oi uie Gongs G040; agd evi! gpirifl, bnueie regarding. , 4 Good man, nnrive ideas as to qua1iï¬Åca~ dons cf, 557 crndeiire (Nnhnnlp mmâ€ù), aao Grade evvvrni in Lambilmbu, prcsent disintegration, 341 Graded sdeiery, ChBI34C£€1'i.8ï¬Å§ oi, 706, 707 ; of men, distribution 0! in Male- kula, 13 ; of women in Maleknla, 14 crnndpnrenn (,4 avu), attitude eewerde grandchildren, as oriei. Malekulm expression of, 539 Guests, meminnienr 01, zoo Haln (brother, cIa§iï¬ÅcaWl’Y)v 79; wide range of kinship nnprnned by cerin, 75 Hmznbak, 46, 1&8; Europeans called, 657; o1Lambnmbn. 687.—said ed have been 11 white mnn, sa7; (sacred being) nsocialiuu oi caca- mil: wioi, 187; two possible usés nf word, ass Hnrnbi (Region at Souls ei the Dead, Lngalag), 579, sac; entranus to, 590; underground wnrld di me dead, 5&1 Harnbut of Llgalag, 638; legends concerning, 6 B; death-myth re- latiug to, ass Harvest, rite connected with, 1s1 Hawk, sla Black hawk Hawk's feather purninieed on rise in -rank in Nimwnghi, 2&4 Head deformatinn in !0uLhBrn districts ofMa1ekula, 15 1-ma-mind, purchased on rive in renk in Nimangki, we Hllnrn, plxflurm of bamboos, exacted over irnnge (lemigll), sac Hibiscus newer, purchase of nr n Nimn hi, ass History d;M¢l¢mn‘nn Smicly (w. H. R. Rivere), ass I-idues, cdnrmicunn 0|. representing prnnin of gnem, 572, 513; during seclusion 0 circumcision eandidncer, 264 ; oflormud On incised hays, 253, 254, 2§5, zse Henri-nernini practices among Big Nambas, 261 Homosexuality among burys, rarity ol, 156; iemeie, su Leabilnism; mah, distribution el in Mmknln. 170.- organization di nrnong Big Nambisv 14 House nniic in blBh, oeremonice of in, Lnflas 419 ; in North-West Malo- kulm, diagram of, si ; special (Namummr) for novices during in- cbiou rites, 250 Hdinei, nrrengernenc of, suggesting ¢eruiin lundmmankal idenr ex U18 people, 23; of MUW1l.‘l, 34 ; oi North» West Malukula, s4 House-building in Malekula, technique 0!, si, az; unit of measurement in (mlhallg, a1 Hnusehul pro e.rty(Man.s1mgg0n), 241 Hukma (Sulzmv, 210, 211 Hninnn beings as tolami, sen, 592 Humming-top, 44 Hunting, 19, 192; -magic, 193, 610 ; rinni aspect of, 192, 193 Hurtee, s ; villages of, LIIILIEB, with clan gong-rhythm. es 1 i