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770 INDEX gmnpi, pips pi clrm Inna belonging m, soverally, 172; in Lagalag, 104: in Laravat, lll; orgixnlzation in North-West Malakula, 97 41:14.; — in spniii-want Malekula, 52 Of 154.,- 01 Big Nambas, ll5,—D§ North, cnnm. and East Malekula. 115 ii: 154.; system, Maleknlan, classiï¬Å- catofy. 10. 75. 76. 77,—ni Lam- humbil, 9B.—of Mawun, 9l,—~o! $eniii.ug, 10 ; flysitcml of Wlell and Lnns. as 1 min employed in case 0! siblings, 14; terminology, range of, wide in Lagalag, 101; rennin (Engiinii) initials representing, 714, — extension of, 64. ~—in relation m clan, 53; inn! sepexaï¬Åo, recorded from Leaxllp, 120; lfflm Senharei district (East Malelmlu), izi, 122; in Malekula, io, 12; (Native) list oi. 11, 14; primary meanings and initials 01 relatives to whom ex- tended, 71-4 ; of Bangasa, 1‘Ql‘I’mflX 01.126; o1BigNa.mb:is, 11%-is; of Lagalag, 104; oi Laxavaé, 111: o[l.auii, no; pi Mewun. 91, 92, 9:1; ol Nesim, Uei-ik, Bmgasa Ind Nlvinr. list: at kinship ierms I01‘ comparison. 125; of Nivinr. grammar nf, 120; oi Winn, 89; range 0!, 10 Ki1.:»llyiug, 44 Lngning, birth—rites of, 2s1; bodies of HID daud buried, not exposed in, 564; culï¬Å oi min of U10 dead in, 51:1; dlatrint of, B; fuuatal rites ni, 510 ; Hlmbut uf, ass ; kinship in, 104; kinship minn pr, 104; k1n~ ship mnin of unnvni Cumpflrhd wiui those of, 112, us; Laud oi the Dead 0!, 519, sso; men and women ownership: ni pig, in, 191 ; methods employed in. D1‘ curingvbananness. 2:12; Nolan 01, 458: imangki in. 340 : poiygyny in, 104 ; mnge oi kin- ship tenninologir wide in, 107; recognition in, O woman's ehanged M8101! min marriage, 164; regula- tinn of martimge in, 159, 100; rights nnd duties ol relativcs in, 1 1; terminology O1 relatives in, 1:40; totemisln in, BI3; villages of, 21 ugnnan, Mbï¬Ågwi of, 6lS lambiis, underground world, sse Llmbumbu and Seniang, Nimanghi in, diï¬Åexeuce between, 346; Elm- bands and psnis-wrappers made by woman in, as; avenues of M0116! on hills cl, s0; bnui-i-am oi, za1; bDdi€S of ths dead buried, not uxposefl, in, 564; cull: Of souls of the dead in, 5791 dialect. acmuni qr preparing vegetable ma giveii in, with translation, -'17 I dlliereiices in funeral rites of Laravat from those of. 575; district of, 6, 8; ï¬Åres oi Nimanghi ni. aw: grade Sysbem in, presenl: disintegraï¬Åon. an :, grouping of relatives in, similar in rim in Seniang, es; groups of personal name: or titles in, 8~41: Halnbat Of, 8372 l.l.lCl8lBl‘l Of BOY! ini 249-253 7 instability of ruarï¬Åage in, IGB7 kinship system of, ea; kinship terms ni, as ; kiushi 1251!!!! 01 Laravat wmpaxed with cifm oi. 112, H8; land allowed Do be owned by unmarried Women ill, I80; Land u the Deud 01, 579, 580; lists of gurchasable titles recordsd from, 42, 343 ; markets in, for exchange of produce. 202; mnn and Women nwnniniiipn oi pigs in. 191 ; ninuinan of cooperative ï¬Åshing employed in, 191; Nimanfki in, 340, S4]; Nimaniki TI: 0!. 438; Nimangkt Tl¢l 0 and Tami:-1&5 0! Society lxllinds, similaxilcy bstween, 455, 455, (footnote) 450; mrgharo cerumonies LIJ, 61!, 8l2; Naghara N-'7m'uv of, 655; outbreak of Spaninhiufluenu. in gaze), 501; penis sheath: ii-om, gurcd, 344, 345; pig grades 0!, cuumeraéed, 195; population nnii civiljzalion, xxi; poyulixtion, un- minimized. xx; reparation of body in: burial in. £65: regulation n1 mamago in, isa, ieo; removal at wnn1en'a taeth in, 4B8; rights And duï¬Åls of relatives in, 100; xacmd place (mu! maul) of dascnnt. localities in. 811; sacred potter ni. 637; sanctity of coc0~nit in, l,87; South, lncision rites in, 251400; system of land tenure in. I78; terminology <11 relatives in, 129, 130; totamism in, eii; types ni punis sheath in, 3/1l;villiges in, chlri1.:teriB£i0 gong-rhythms belonging to each, 91; village: in. hostile group! ni, 91; villages of. 27, -—- cannibalism formerly practised in, 011; villagm =1. gjvidcrl into hostile groups, 97, 66 Limd, alianallon of, permanently, forbidden, 115 ; alienation uf, mn- poraxy through am, 114; allowad to ha owned by unmarricd Wnmen in Llrnbumbil. mo; nni owned by women in Seniang. 113, I80; OVBl'- lordship <11 clan dominant with regard to. 119: -owning unit, the clan as, so; tenancy of, rent faidior, i1s: fsnure in Seniang, 12; Oeuuré, 1 1 l