Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86879<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

17, lB,—p3.rt.icular Occupation! oi.
as; repllgnance to mensfrudtion
amongst, se; harm ilm relating
$0, Z3
Men’s house, arringement oi in
Nimangki, 170; us alsn Amel
Menstruation, rupllgnixnlw to amongst
mun, 15$
Messagel, tmrlslflisslon by gong lau-
guage, 13€
Maiamnal, name Of reel, B42
Mrluan (rn0f.her'.! l7l'OCll61‘), sl
Mswun, beliefs concerning the soul in,
561, 562 ; Benallr (Senlaug) linked
with three diflemnt villagwa in, 63;
brotherhuml between linked villages
in abe 31106 anrlng ï¬Åghting béï¬Åwlfln,
64 ; cï¬Åsslï¬Åcation of relativau in, 94,
ss ; clan! of, distinctive gong-befls,
54-7; cytlu as fab“-mark in, l5;
amii and Clispoenl. of thï¬Å am in,
559 2 dialed. of. diflunng from that
01 Seniang, 91 ; diltrlct oi, 5;
genealc ' = in people oi, lrngrnun-
Uiry, lg; gonprhythm nil» paaple
connected With uni BB6, ma in, 51 ;
houses of, 34 ; kinship! stem cl. 91 ;
kinship terms 0!, 91, 93; I-and
of ï¬Ålm Dead identical with thaï¬Å Of
Snnizmg, sea ; marriage-ceremony in,
how diflerlng min um in Seniang,
157 ; mnnths OI the year in. list Of,
I77; myths rooorderl lrum, 45;
Nalau/ms, grades of, earlier, 450;
Nnlnwan grade: nl, lnm, 4al ;
Nlvinbuv society and Ynnlbaidmp
no! found in, 559, 563 1 Nimanghi
nrlsnnimuon burrowed by poop)» 0!.
a4 ; numberofc1:mvll.lages|n,53:
only lale from dealing with origin of
death, (nmnnw), 631 ; Ieglllhï¬Å-Inn 01
marriage in. l58 ; rights and duties
or ruladvu in, 98: rites [or cun-
tmlling sex of unborn child, 233;
vabu mlnting 20 new-bornchild in,2-357
Tlmn nnningnl, unknown in, 4:22;
totcmisnl in, e01; villages in, linked
to vill S in Seniang by Nnhal
Imus, lg: us, 65$,—1ist Q1, es;
villages of, chï¬Årscterislica, 27;
villagea of, nnnlei, with clan
§D'ng—l‘hy1hmS, 69; woman nr, how
procured as A wife by man ul
Ndflwll, a4
Mewlul and Seniang, anlagonism
between, 5; battleï¬Åeld between.
229; manner of signifying Lmu:
between, 224
Milamp lwmnnnl, 71
Miliim (Ninumg 1' ii-me, Big Nambas),
enhance ink), 37 ; ritunl consisting
of contest, 378
Mi, in Ambrym, XXiV
Missionary influences on beliefs as to
future life, 554
M(;1'|»0gam»O1u type vi sexual desire,
Monogarny in Malslmla, zsa
Monolifha, attachment of pigs in pay-
ment fur titles w, am, 349; Pie;
tethered tn, 957, 371, 372 -
Month! of (‘he yea: in Seniang, del-
cl-lbing sfages in cycle of yam
cultivation, 174, 115, 180
Moon, associakiun of wiui child-birth,
2:15, zae; Ii niï¬Åcance of in Nzudw
Rahulsmp, ela, 644,—in mmw
Mbatiar. e4s
MM ml, mm attaining to title of,
gggencinl warleader, 219 ;qii=liï¬Å=» 01,
Morning, ï¬Åmï¬Å for rising in (llvflllnl
migml.->. as .
Moi-4 md Seniang. Qhonehlc fl'lfl§-
formation 01 wards in. em
Mofller (Am), mode of behlviour
towards ofls ling little known, Bl
Mfltller-gong, 5%
Mother’: lmuiel-, 81 ; llrgcsï¬Å mnmggi;
given to BC iuneral ceremony, s ;
us also Uncle, maternal
Moul, meaning of word, (walnuts) 611
Mnunt Penot, 3
Mbuntfllni of Malekula, 3, 1
Mourners, éwaintil-lg ii: laces oi (sm-
nota),57 ; nnnbnching by, purposo
01, sea
Mourning, llgn 01, 524, 542
Mï¬Å I/Al, or boy lover. mlu: in
using, 261. zez
Muluwun rank in Nimanglli, mark oi
men 0:, 521
Muluumn simionm, grads of, hut
set up by 03.!1llldS.lA tar entrance
lnb0, ass
" Mummies ~ Wuhlng 01, ninilung in
people being an-ong and lniiunl, ass
Mummiiying p?n1n:ion of Malekula,
Bxéalained, 2
Mu! 0'1‘ of IIIIJI Oornmitting adultery,
149, 150
Mutdarais, assistance oi ghusls in
dinodvery of, sso, ssl
Music, 41
Musical bow, 41, 42 ; Oonï¬Ålhlctlfln oi,
42; rleacrigtion of, 42; method of
playing, 4 ; played gï¬Åflerally by
Musical lnshumflnil, sacred, (footnote)
4:; ; miilni, playing of, 41
Mvielnggll Veo, eaz, ass; meaning of
HBHIB, eas
M,-uii, rscord of, 4s, 4s; S56 also
Origin niyllni
Naaganien rite p¢!f0l'n1Bd for gir1~
ceremonies, 492. 494
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.1 1992 [Set(s) 1662]
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Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.3 1992 [Set(s) 1664]
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Object(s) ID 86879
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 881 / 901
Filesize 398 Kb | 927 x 1414 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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