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ss_ _s_,_s._l-* F INDEX 775 Nani ilao (swsd pl1ns],548; hm-bu (the sacred tree), importance in rela- dun to ritui11ile,4 ; in Nnlnwnn and Nisnnnglri ceremonial, 385 ; Mimi- bung: grade of Nimang/21', 2964; Mlï¬Åmbnwp Ismn, descripï¬Åon 01, 2954 ; M6161» and Nimangki Miss‘. poinis of distinction between, 445; M6r6h, Nnii Nah, M dl, 441; numbnl (form of sorcery). 518: mfh (hats or rnssks). 459. —- nus, accidenrs w. punisllable by death, 440; mih, hats at Nim/zngki Misi, designs used in dewraï¬Ångi drawings dl, 443, 444 ; ndli, objects cor;-ivpnsed under, 438, 459; nï¬Åh or nil M6r5h, lisl: oi, 441 ; Nah of Ninlnngki Miss’, list of, 441; nï¬Åh sanctity ni, 441 1 1117/I, screens of Nnii Mdrï¬Åh. dnsigns used in dwbratlng, drswings O, 442; 1z¢m4>, 4:45, 437; gong-rhythm, 415; ms (Wooden balllï¬År), 23, 24; saw (wooden barrier), position in plm 0! village, 24 ; tamwat (gong-rhythm: the Bent of Peace), 565; 1/or (decorated door-wny), 531; undu- lung, structures ercehecl at rite of niiemafl, 573, 574 Nnnimbw, S£XlO£lll’e5 known ns, 518, 574; purpnae 0:, 5121 Naaioggol, as7, —s1leteh cf, 398: gra e, hat of, 416 Numb (Fires). 346; Loh grade ol Nimangl-n', 294 ; Luh Ismas, descrip- Linn of, 294 Naumlz mbntambal, " the eternal ï¬Åre," kindling 0!, at Nnlanum Vivnbmï¬Ågi 422; mu/zlnmv (bu;/5' ï¬Åre],S5 ; Tim. gmdeu1Niman;hi, 293; Tilss IQMIS. description dl, 29$; my sing)» (lowest of sacred ï¬Åres), SS3 Naambhrm (Nimanglli grsds, Wor- gob). nisinlnnsrnp in, how obtained. 75 Nanmal grsds nl Nimnngki, szssa; aim grads ul Nlmanglii, 93475 Namncl Limw, asv; mask associated with, ma; mu 01 entrance, rm Nssn Eugoi, s40 ; lnnisls initiation rites oi, 13; people named, B; Women, iillposutlz Of genital: snnnng. ls Naavi tree, origin 01, ezs Naghamal bagha, house for circum- vision candidates, zsz Nnluzl amut (private pssns), 25; lamp (public highways), zs; tame: (Psui of the Gnnsis), linking villages of Seniang with those of Me-wnn, az, as; lama: (‘Path of the cusses), marriage prnhibiced between psrriss whose " parent -' villages nre unjbed by. 64; isms (Path of the Ghosts), map of, ll, —r|nning lnnn one clan or descent group w anothex, 62; (ch: Pam), connecbed with fllfl journeying: n1 the soul gétgr death, 554, 555,- dingrssn oi. Nnlwha (unit of measurement in lnsnss-building). 31 Nnlmlwnf (peane dance), ceremonies e 22 7 n, - Nnlwmp tumbu (grade-ï¬Åre). sso Nahale, 5 Nahal/mini grade of Nimangki, 820-3 ; Imss, description of, szl Nnisi, relatives classiï¬Åed under term, in Mewun, 94 Nnlnwn society sninng Big Nambas, 432 I celebration of, 432. 433 Nnlau/al Amal Seimllmduy grade, i-iess of entrance inw. 408 Nfllflwrm Amas, 430. 431; Ambnr, 430. 431, 4322 and Nnvinbuv, parallel between. 386 : and Ninmngki ceremnniél, diï¬Åerencm ln, 885, 3&6; and Nimangln‘, diflerenw! m, 385, 885? and Nimamgln‘, ceremonial, features of reaemblnnce, 385, 387; and Nimanglli, cere- monial of entrance M), rusumblnnce ol, ass, 357; nnd Nisnmigki ems- snnnlsl, points of sirnilnrlcy in, 393, $94; and Nimanghi, punllel lnsmutions, 384: and Ninumglii resemblance of, 884, 387; cere- monies nl lslowini of sacred tome: nnainggaldurlng, ss; cerelnonieai cutting the sacred yam, ass; cere- monies, lnnr psinsipil performers in, 390; ceremonies, Iikmmlu flee in, aw; cenmoniel, shooting with bow and arrow, 8881 ceremonies. swning the pig, 388 ; chalacterialic dance cl, 393 1 entrance rites of» 384. 336, 357; grnds, erectinn oi inn-sgss dc entrance co. 558 ; Graded Snciety, 48, 47, 48 ; Graded Society, ieatival collneebmtl wiui, 41 ; grades, irom south of Malekula, list oi, 429» 430; ades, from south of Malekulil, names idmtieal wifh those oi Selliang, 430; grades. mask! 01. 425; grades, mask: af- material, 426: grsdss nt, rnr.inl>sss' titles, am; grades ni, nsnsss nl. 357 ; rades oi Mewuu, earlier and later, fao, 431 ; grades 0!, order dl irnpormnoe, ass; gssdss Of, riins of entrance to, ass: grades st. ismas mbalnlbal oi. 887; gmdzs. vsrinns, eerelnonies taking place simulraneously, 425: gnsdss. various, entered by diï¬Åelenl: men