Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86882<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

Nalmgi ccreninriice oii described. 4119
11 seq. , dance, position of dancers in,
diagruxn illustrating, 411
Nelï¬Åzns gfadfl 0! Nimmlgki, 313-15;
tomes, dsscrlptiun rii, s1a-14
zvcmnmm disunct irnrn nindilmana,
552; explanation ci, 552; plant!
possessinf, ss2: ccpnrnn1c1rern nnrxy
during 1i e, 502
N5n1I1rmbl'k07l, ass; association
between lives 01 men and other
creatures in, sea; bones ni all
dying during yenr glaced in, @104 ;
extreme cnncncy c, 591; sacred
place, 595 ; sacred placc of "Yn-
ant " clan village, 53; sacred pun
ci cinn, 55s ; sacred grmmd oi clan,
gicncnn1 nr nnnen ni dead in, 542,
Nsmbvï¬Ål, sacred plant, 544, 545 .
Namlmltuin N51/2! Min Nizlnunm,
Neinbiiru, possession by clan of magic
01 rnining and calming wind, ess
Nemep, inrnrrin nncenwr uf people 0L
59!, 592; sacred pottery at, 597
Namugliulvmgh/1 (Clan ningrcicnc), sec
Nanny, raw of, 447, 449
Nmmm shrub, flowering ci, wnnc is
lndicawd by, 151
Nsnxanggan, meaning of word, 241
Nephew, Obedience to rnnrcrniu uncle
eniorced, 10l 1 relation: 01 maternal
tlnnle with, 107, 10B; Nllï¬Åï¬Åfll 0!,
toward! maternal uncle, S2
Nnsp gin», wncaing of, Iroln yam
gardens, 1s1
Ncsan (cr Ncaun) region, 9; wr-
minolo 01 relatives in, 125, I30;
U:nk,%inga:1, and Nivinr, mic of
klrgship term: lor comparison,
Nimxm, niiuen of, 44s; master ni
Nimlmgki Tlsl ce1'em0nieu,448
Nnusur [Pan-pipe with seven reeds],
Nuinmbw, rites of incision, 244
Natl! muhw/Im, marl! of men nr
Mnluwlm In-nk in Nimmngki, 521;
nm, object of cnrrerric sanctity
preccnc nc Nzmm rites, 551
Nelim Mwahp, grade nr Nimimgki,
Nnnn ( riculmral ycnr ni Seniang),
174, 11
Ntï¬Åuilnng (mats), made by female
mournexi, 511, 512
Name-rrcc, cnsugccion of novices at
Niman kt Tm wiui leaves of, 449,
452, 4§4
N21/elwl grade of Nimanghi, soo-s
Naval grade ci Nimaflglzi, 299-100;
Imv Iambi, gecrrreuicni ï¬Ågure cun-
neoted with the journeyings of the
soul alter death, illustration ni, 555 ;
Nnmizr (swne of 1=ernin:2, inhabited
byevi1sp1xit,597; Mb (Nimimghi
grade) stnm set up during entrance
rites to, 338; Nflmbav, ass, 521, -
nnncciccicn 01, with Neviubumlnau,
ass, _ construction 11!, 419, - nrn
ci in Nalawcm and Ninumgli cere»
ninrrinl, ass; Nambul geometrical
ï¬Ågure, sas; 1-imzinrnp, sea
Nevinbumbasu, encestreu ni Nemep,
592, 594 ; and the Ambal (0/ext and
unnnlnncny, 120 ; cry oi, utwxed by
thncchnrn, 32, as; legends concern-
in%, 626, s21; mythical WOIIfl.1l,
as ; myths connecï¬Ång 1rr,r wiui
theAmI>at nrnurern, 621; ucr1icinnn1
Iuundruss ni Senizmg Nimanglfli
212; Vin-bumba-an identical with,
Nwinbur, 51:1 ; nria Nulrlwan, Pcrnuei
l>etwe:n,S86 ; rites ni, 1sa,4e ;ri(:os,
ccnrrrred to iouthcrn districts of
Malekula, 15; rites of, dcnn-ncricn
ni old lama: lnd rncnnincanrc oi
new, 465; (Secret Society). 48;
society net found in Mcwnn,
Nevin Tun‘, eutruwc to, third grade,
Nsvituvngk (Child), 12
Nwdm/ugh, mystulouu kind of magic,
description of, esz
Numl (Moon), 115
iviiniz Nunw, 115
Namltun navel in Nalawan Naainggo,
eemmony, 400
New Hchridas, aboriginal Populalinn
of (1910), I9; cosmopolltanism cl‘,
Xxv; ricncn-rriyur of, ass ; French
imports in, xvi; French gre-
r1i-iniirrnnu in, xv: ; Group, Mala ulu
second largest island ul, a; history
ol, rccnrinnrnccinn, 105, 106; in-
iicbiinriin oi, divinrcn inm culturally
distinct units, 10 ; 1nter~sexua.l pigs,
Sfllllfll iinpottancc oi, 193; matri-
iincni urea. 01, how divided, s99;
Norlhem and North-Central,
inrinence ci {Our main tyye: 0!
cnunre on, sea ; Ncrcnnrn. 1.‘llSh'lbl-
tion oi cnunrcc in. sea Bl ssq.;
Nurthc-rn,$u!|1l/s oi, is ; Tnrrmncre
and Chinese in, Xvi
Neumi, nncren nincc, 595
Nicce, maternal, marrlagu with, 155
Niew, passage oi, by ghosts w the 1.nnc1
0! the ncnn, 55¢, 555
Night, prominenw c1, in Malo'k1la11s'
method of reckoning time, as -
Nihnmb for making rricn and pigs
iniitiul, 495, 496
Nile; sooiely among srrinu Nambas,
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Deacon 1934 - Cayrol v.1 1992 [Set(s) 1662]
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Object(s) ID 86882
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 884 / 901
Filesize 438 Kb | 987 x 1425 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2025/3/13]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86882). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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