Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86883<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

Nimangki and Nalawlm, resemblance
0!, aae, ss1; ind Nolawan. oere-
rnenini of enhnnee into, rcsemblance
of, ass, as1; and Nnlau/an, cere-
monies. point: of similarity in, 595,
as4, and Nalawan, parallel institw
none, as-1; e.n-nngernenr of men‘s
house, 210 ; at Vanbaut, cucmanial
ecrenrung, 880; at Vevenah, build-
ing or yam-towers at, asz; ne
Vevezuh, description of (Deacon).
asz-an; at Vevensh, gong-
rhythms at, described, ass; (Big
unnihnr), s11, 312; (Big Namba-s,
grnaer e1. 311, s12 ; (Big Nmznbas ,
grade! oi, clua distinction in, 312;
grades of, distinction between
two npper and two iower, 312 ; (Big
Numbas ,kava.rlrinkingat, s1s; (Big
Nambl-s , song—da.n|;e uf (1au1),572;
eeiebrnnen in hr?/'e cl-iildhand, mnin
pnrpeee of, as ; oalebxatjon 01.
preliminaries to, asz; ceremonial,
giving and reeerving of pigs in, ass ;
ceremonial oi nee in rank, 212;
ceremonial, tame: in, ass, as1; eere-
menial of, rreining for, ssz; eon-
nection with other secret societies,
211; dance (law), us; dls11ihu-
Lion in Malekula end neighbouring
islands (Deacon), asz ; distrlbuï¬Åon
oi K1111! at, ass; each bound np
wit others by reason flf pig
exchanges, sso, 351, lenivnls,
distribution oi observance nrnong
inhnnioenrn of Mneirnin, 14; ï¬Åre,
see; generni preeenninge mt, 354;
grnae in, erccï¬Ånn 01 images M-
entrnucc to, 558; grade name: or
titlu in vnnbene (Putt Sandwich),
senbnrei (Onua), snioi (Ambrgm),
Lonwolwnl (Ambry:-2, a1s, 19;
grade or Nizai‘ Mbi amp, 2964;;
(Graded sneiery), 48. 41, 4s;
(Graded society) festival connected
with, 41 ; graded societg 0! mun of
Mnieinrin, IS; greeier, s , ~ elusi-
ï¬Åcatlon of, ass, -design; painted on
inee and body by members er, 2&2,
zss, (illustrated) ass. _ entrance
ceremonies rp, 29a 2! seq. ,- kindling of
ï¬Åre by candirlam for enerenee to.
sa1, _ Mbalmbal, 29s-0, _ Men
Ru,3l6-19,- Naamb Loh, 294, _
Nnamb Tare, zaa, _ Nnamel, azs-4,
~ mom Eu/(ml, an-5, _ Nahavm-
dal, azo-a, _ Namu, aas. —
Naliwix, srs-15, _ mren Mwelip,
aio-ia, - Na/:llI:l. soo-8.
_ Navel, 299-500, _ Nimbinbm.
zss, ~ Nimaw, 324-334, ~
Nimmeil, 808-310, - Noulas,
am-azo, _ purchasn by boy hmn
maternal nneie, a2; grene= oi, rites
of enirnnce to, ass; grades,
Warvulu, names of, with titles oi
rneinhere. 314; group; of pevple
not allowed no enter, s 1; gren sof
peoplu not ouhwed to enter, ï¬Åew
idennmble, 347 ; how diflering trorn
mlcmaw, s41. s42; in Lmgalag,
840; in Lambumbu, S40, 34!; 1n
Lanvaï¬Å, 340; in Seniang and
Lnrnhumbu, dinerenee hecween, 346 ;
insignia, 181-7; insignia, armband,
284-5; insignia, bmceldi. 2B5~€;
insignia, hawk’: feathfl, 2&2; iu~
signia, head~band, 286,‘ insignia,
leg-band, 286 ; insignia, panis
sheath, 284; initiation ineo, 100;
inernhernhip of. as4; Min‘, -ass,
437 ; Mm nnn Nani MM». points
of distinction between, 445; Misi,
Mai nï¬Åh of, 489; Misi, nails‘ Mk
oi, list, 441; M4-ii, sacred object!
eonneeeed with, Ulbfl on, 444;
Min’, society, 579 ; Ne!i1m‘s,mc|n'hu-
ehip oi, 394, 385; Nslm Mwuip,
membershlg in, signs on elï¬Ågy
denoting. 45; Nimmail, member-
ship in, eihgy annlet denoting, 545;
not known enrong people of Lnne,
340; ofLarnbumb1,ï¬Åres 01. S46; of
North and East Malekula, 340 at szq. ;
oi Senlmng, Entrance ho various
grades, 272, 278, 274; I2! Seniang,
point: of resemblance £0 Mangkl
cl Maaknlyne Islands, 377, 378;
e1 seninng, grade nnmm, with grnae
titles, 214, 2 5 ; a!Scniang, nreening
ct grade nornee and tillus, 215-s;
of Seniang, order n1 grï¬Ådas, 278-280 ;
of South rend East Malekula, 374;
of South-West Bay, origin, ass;
ergnnieneion burrowed by peopie ul
Mewnn, 340; Payment ol pig to
buyer’: maternal uncle mt. 51;
pnyrnenas, presence of ghosts ak, 578;
genie rueeeh always buught at,
ss; performers in, 290-2; per-
sonal narnea or titles purchaslble
at, 342, 343; prepnrnuonn for, 354,
855; prcscntaï¬Åon 0! pig nc,
ass: priviiegee pnia fur wi pigs,
212; pmhase of, 969; rites 0!,
l97. 281, 202, 205, 206, 287-9;
ritual of, 352; rune: of, encrenw,
210-1; senborei, cerenronnri con-
nected with, 379 ; severe tnst in nxt
of giving, 351; shrub Malandr
muluunm mken of higher grades in,
523; aocie?r, 36; sounding oi
gonge nc, as , 351; nmne of dead
rnan. objects repreeenzing, 573 ;
Taghuh, secular association, 436,
43$; Tkl, 432; Tlal and romnlr
of Sociaty Islands, similarity between
455, 456, (ioomoce) 456 ; Tlel.
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Object(s) ID 86883
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 885 / 901
Filesize 433 Kb | 889 x 1408 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2024/12/22]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86883). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
Exif FileNamedeacon_1934_449a.jpg
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