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IN DEX 73° 1 045: Tilabwa, rite for safeguarding 101115 um death, e51; Tilablw, mnn 1°; making man, 651, ssz; giglbllln rims of, Ion: aspects of, mmb Arnbrym, division n1 wcieky 1m six marriage section-1!, 000; patrilineal and matrilineal deacent combined in, see ; tranaiï¬Åon stage from mntrilineal en patrilineal dmcant, 101 Nrmlm, grade of Nimzng/ti, s1e-1120 Nouésgn nin Nalawan mbrm Timbamp, :1 Nï¬Åvég Nambdg , rites of in Iambumbu, 2 Nuangle wuIa,coust:11lcï¬Åon of, 200, 207; sea-going canoes formerly used by people 01 East Coast, 204; use 01 exhnch 201 Numbau fli Il{ba'n?>, 4111; gradé, entrance ram, 41 , 4111; ni mw, 0:11; Nmum ea“/'; Nu-man, rites 0! entrinoe, 395; Timbnmy, sas. a111; Timbuzp, ccnstnxcï¬Ålon Of 410; Timanngp gnnn, rites 01, cntrancc inw, as, 41s, us, 420; Vanmasur, as1; Vanmasw, 1-am 01 Entrance, ass, ass; mm Sllmgk Low Ha, as1 ; V1'1n'n.11'engk Lnnmn, grade. enhance to, 411; Numeration, nynmn 01, 01111111-111 feature uniting 1nu.t>skirt and fringe-alrirk districts oi Mllokuli, 15 0111118 re-infolcing laneflon o!r1x:ipm- n11y4, chalect n1 (footnote), 49; lutuxu 0 , s Occupations, nnny, as Oflspxiugglflagm, e1, ea 01-n1 1 at-greabgrent-grandfather], 14 ombn, peogle 01, personal characban i5£i<:!. 70 onnn, 9 Origin myflli. groups 01, 45, 4s Pninung n1 face of buyer n1 nc Nima11gks', sse Puim: and designs used by Nimanghn‘ candidates, 2&1-4 Pangkumn, 9 Pin-pipes, Malekulnn, 42; lessens in malnng nnn!P1n ing of, zss .- 1n1un- tioh vahxe 0 , zga Papaï¬Å, relatives cla5iiï¬Å$d under term, in ewun, 94 Parent villages, s1, ea ; and daughter villages, 25 Parents and children-in-law, behaviour , between in Lunbumbu, 102 lmnnmn-1nw, duï¬Åes cnwnras and inspect paid 1b, es, as ; not nanmwn by nnm or 1111111111,» mnn by chfldren-1n~lzw, es; reticence in mung nbnnc. as ; nonyms to be employed when enK1ng ho, 109; ;1315nn nn bdmviour inwards, 100, Patrilineal basis in Malelnfla, 101; descent accompanied by local (village) cxogamy, sse; nnsnnnz. area: chnxacteï¬Åzed by, sea; descent in Ambrym Inlet than mzirilineal, 101; descent, localities of, ass. ggg, 101 ; islands, dress pcnliiar C0, Peace, permanent, Iï¬Åliï¬Åoaï¬Åon of, ceremonies at, 224-1; permanent, ratiï¬Åcation oi, feasting at, 220 Penis n1 the Ambal, e20, ass; sacred stoufl, 611 Pqnis sheath, 5111; ac uiaition Only sitar inr;iSi0n, rm; ï¬Åwnyn bought at Ninlanglnl ass; grade! of. purchuabla 11.1: n Mlemsw, m: new, P111 nn, alter deaf-|. ses; purchuu by candidate 101 giade Arm/ian, 315 ; pu1'chaSBd nn rise in rank in Nimungln‘, 2&4; lypea of in Lambumbu, 341 ; waning of in Ma-lckula, 10; Wearing 0!, Xestrictéd to pnm11.n1==.1 islands, 102, 10s; sheath: (mm Lunbumbll, ï¬Ågured, an, sas ; pnrchaaable ne n nu Maw, 3411; wrapper, sacred, oeramonial nnnnnnud wikh. aae; Wrappbf, Iacred, payment fur, ses ; wrapper, U89 01. among Bi Numbas, 14; Wtlppflffl, making of as Puramml nnm. nmnn1 relatives ud- droased by, 14; certain kiulfolk not 1-0 bn addressed by, 14 Po;.1ii.coa: worn by Malekukn wamen, ,1a Phonetic unnnrbnnnunn of Wbfdu in Mam nn<1 Seniang, table of, 024 21;, nnnqmnnn n1, ceremonial COII» nected Wikh, =1 funeral rites, sas, sae, 540; ceremony 11 N65121:: Namnz, aoa, compensation 0!, far cursing, so; distribution at death- least ntes. 521. szs 1 distribution nc Ninmngki (Vevenah), 101 ; d0meafl- cited, priuci al use 01, 1s, 11; exchange at §1n¢nn1 in Lnmbumb“, see, 501; gm of. 100 ; giving at funerals, ss ; giving nz funeral 60 visitors from villugc not friend! to dwaased, 542 ; giving, n1¢nn1 introduction to, at early age, 1151 ; man» of Lambumbu enumerated. 105; grades nr Seniang euumexamd, 104; killing nnn giving of one, iuneral rims dapandlmt nn, 501; mum; 0:, M. alt:-ance 1n Lapn: grade, 401; 11111111,; (Nimavqks g1'Bde!,