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INDEX 781 Senbarci, and Vanballt), aao; killing, position w hn mkm by candidates, according to grade, 415 ; magician, nincccdingc oi nc N1mm:g- 11¢, ass; 0! smaller value, prasm.1la- Y:i01 nn prcmissory gm. a4s, aso: pnyninnc at Nimzngki to bLye'1"s maternal uncle, 351; payment in ccnipcunncinn for injury, 1111; present 0!, to maternal uncle, 591 ; gfesentation, in Nalawan, ceremoxxifla 90; replacement, when one lost by death, ass; ritual payment ni (imbambn) as means n1 washing out name ci relative hy marriage, es; sacriï¬Åcial, manner of killing 01, in Nomi Mnlnlniln, 1011; ncul or npii-ic of (nivdnfln), 5414; suul or spirit ol (m'|/flmln) reputed powarful cud dangerous, 541;; stoning the, 421;; nlcning ulc, ceremony uf, 410 ; traps described, 192; valuable, meltllud of killing at tha Nimnngki or Nellsmnu, ass ; wild, hunting of, lo Pig’: tusk bracelet cnnlarmd on grade candidates, 411, 4111, 419 Plfs nncl fond, exchanges 01. socio- ogical importance cc, 202 ; as hi-1dc- pnce, I58; ubride-wealth, 144, 14s; as part of narxinge»pn,%munt, 119; flflgiaymenï¬Å inn Nimang i privileges, 21 ; buying cud cclling 0| at Nim" circling 101'," 239. as1; cocomuh nncl torches in payment cl, 191 ; dis- po1:l1lnI,b1:fQtu dnuili, ses ; distribu- Hanoi,1Hl111e1'n1,522,523; olaboraln exchan c cl, at alslemew ceremonial, 349, ago, 492, 49s ; exchange 0!, nlclms ni connecting nnch nslamew or Ninlnngki wilh another, sso; fastening oi, to mouolitlls, at Nimavlgki icnuvnl, 251; further presentation on death, bu: nut onuueuted wiui Iuncral ccremouies, 540, 541 ; gifts oi, made by brother of widow to nearest innlc nclnuvc of dccnnncd, 542; giving ct, in rite at incininn cl boys, 2411. 249; hunting of, 192; in Nadine! Limbu cere- nlmlias, 391 ; in Nalau/an Naainggol ceremony, 11:1, 2119, 4110, 401, 403; in Nlzlawnn Nisamp ceremony, 404; in Nimanglli ceremonial, see; in Numbov. Nmum ccccninny, see; in Numbou Vflmmrur CGXBIIIOIIY, see ; in payment 101- titles, atmched to cycas trees and innnnlielin, 318, 2412: incncnning vnlnc ci, according to size, and dcvclc merit oi task- curvature, 19s, 151; killed by npcni-ing M. iuncnu, 521, 529: nicn only owmers 0!. in Seniang, 191: rneflmd ci cnicgunnding against disease, 612; noghavo of, ell, 612; number 0!, to be paid for various tides, 34s ; of low grade, manner of killing ci, in snninng, 195; owner- Shxp n1, wealth csiilnatcd by, 19:1; paid in tent for tenancy 01 lnnd, 119; pnynncni. of, 103, 1211; pny- nncnc oi. by candidate cncci-ing gi-can Numbau Ts»ibcm4>, 418; PaYm;nt ni, for mcmbership of Nalnwafl, 3114 ; payment ni, in peace (ma!) DUKE‘ monies, 224; payment of, to maternal uncle for services rendered to sister's children, 82, as; prccc-nc to niucci-nnl unclc icc services rendered, az; presentation 0!, at N'm11n-(#11355 ; pruentation beyond required mnnbe! ak Ndkmaw, 350; Presentation of, at Initiation rite: In South Lanlbulnbu, 2511 ; p1'esen!a'- tion to man to assist in hniac-pnicc, 152; presents of, 107, 108; rctntn of, (>BXQmOl'?' 101, 851; nnnning and trippinf 0, 192; tending ni, a. reamn or pulygyny, 165: unequal rank of, 198; usury pi-ncliccs wlul Iegflfd lo, 196, 191; vnluc c1, in English currency, 891; su um Prize-pig, Tusker pigs Plaiting, as Plflntationu, F1-cnch and English, CORI- parison between, xx Plants, cminccccd with Nim.'mgIe|' grades (Scnbuei), 1479, 31-10; inr- biddcn to be injured, ssa, 589; possessing mmiahnmrz, 562; sacred (mini ika), 549 ; shrubs and trees ci Malekula, 4 Plenty, nedrew Yrcducing, 604 Poisnn, magma niczhniin 01 unc, 676, 61$; inngic.-41 niechndn at unc in Ianlbumbu, 079, eso, 681 Polyandry, 140, 141 ; disturbing effect n1, 142, 143 Pulygyny, 140; among Malekulans, 115; and polyandry cninhincil, incuincc oi, 141; nnd pclynndiy combined, insmnce oi, problem of descent in, 141; in Lagalig, 164 Putt Sandwich, a; and Anlbrym, masks cl, why probably identical, 4:14 Pun Stanley, :1 Posscssive, methods n1 expressing, in Seniang hmgllage, s4 Pm, sacred, associated with nogfiaro ni bread-i1u.it,$12 ; SiAtr6d,prahistor1c, E141-,c<1 in graves oi inhabihnts ni elpmes, sse, seo Pottery, prehistoric, 11s; prehistoric, pieces n1, nncicd nature, 591; PIG- histuric, sacred, 608; sacred, ni 1.nnn1>un1l>u,esa ; sacxed, association wini public magic, s11 "ll 1 1 , P Y I