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1‘, 1,
J 1 h vi 1 , 1 -—n-—_ 11 INDEX spectivel élouirnote), 74; flllfl, 87, 98, 102, ï¬Ål , 130; names at villages, 2e, 21; objects, mung and shoot- ing arrows at, ac nelamaw (Nem- welew village], 561 ; objecu belong- ing 60 Nimonghi aocieï¬Åes, cnbn nn, 441, 444; objech utuhasable at n Nimangki, 358: plane, association between lives of men And other creatures in, 59$; place, native designations for, ses; place, of descent localities in Lam- bumbu, 611; places attached to parent. villages of cum, 589; plfl-IIB, 545; swnn, in clan (abu glaoes, rueidence of powerful ghost, 94; stuns, in Lunromow village, rite: nc, for bixtlrof children, 1.52; iwne. used at ynm ceremony nr Nunur Nahum, aoa ; swim, 596; stones, mm-n ul nnnw ceremony, 586; stones, names 01, 596; min; Snisil ml), $69; ï¬Åling! (mm 11.4 ), abject: purchasable nc :1 nfllmew clusad I3, 848; trues, 548; woman, 180; woman and sacred man, I28 Sughsaghmal (name of highesk rink), expensive title to purchase, 543; rites performed nv. purchflee n1, 851 ; ergngslaung at Nimanglu‘ for pumhnse 0 snu-in peninsula, people of, chnrncten 5 ixtics, 10% h am SAM c nmns). 114 Sarembalpvillage, anndng ground Q1, za. 29, so; mu separating mien pm rwni the xeat nrmggiwunggw mun!) 2: 29 Scams, n'wnn't, nine to encourage growizli <1: yams,€58 Sen, géung-Yhyï¬Åhrï¬Åilwr paoge connected Wi , used in ewun, Segélgathing by mourners, pnrpcea of, Sen-shore, Malekulan, divided up is property cl‘ certain clans, 199 Secret names of villages, 2e. 21 ; place in bush villages (1a;mQ. 28 ; society culture, rnnnn, in alekula, pr0~ bable am of, 111 ; society culture, iourth, inll/lalekula, Bee-going elnons associated with, 110 Snligmnn, Brenda 2., "Bilataml descent and the rnnnmnn ->1 innningg classes," mu Senbarei mm: (Em Malekula), kin- ship terms lrom, 121, 122; snnmi rites of, sss, sse; Nimangki ceremonial connected wacn, 319; Nimangbi grade nunes 01' mm from, an, 319; rm» cexemmiiea 01,433,434 Seniang, 5, zs; agricultural year oi‘, ‘" 183 174, 175; Ambit! Of, 617; and Lambumbll, Nlmmlgkl in, difleranne between, 346; and Mewun, antagonismbetweenï¬Å ; and Mewun, battleï¬Åelds between, 2% ; and Mnwun, brotherhood between Linked villages in abeyaupe during ï¬Åghting between, G4; and Mewlm. manner of signifying truce between, 224; and Mata, phonetic transformation of word: in, 524; and wiini-np, mule relatives ho whom widow: are remsxriad in, 11; and Wilemp, ment for bride inside house far- gallen, ll-5; and Wilemp, ritual assodaitinn of eaah clan with plants or animals. sax; and wunnip. luitemism in, sea; nvnnngn number of clans in, 53; centres 0! utm- ncmical knowledge in, 115, 1141; clans nr, dintinukive gong mu, 54-7; clans 0!, list 0!, with tuiems and Nnnrw, 595-602; canuectivn ‘between physiological and socio- logical iatherhood recognized in, ‘H2; dmleck of Mewun, diflering {ram that Of, 91 ; dlfleï¬Åt 0!, names for periods of day in, as; dialect word representing “llcredâ€ù in [footnote], 74; dwelling 1101196, description 01, s1; grouping of relative: in Lambumbu similar $0 um in, es; incision of buys in, 244-0; incision of ho a in, rites, 24s_9, -—~dI.ncB at, 1.45, lie; kinship system af, 70; Land of the Dead fur Chi! people of, 554-s; Land of the Daad of Mewuu identical wilh that of Seming, sea; land tenure and cnltivmï¬Åon at laud in, 172 II $14, language, three Way: of expressing pnsieanive in, ea; marriage-ceremony in. how diï¬Åering lrom um in Mewun. 151; marriage Yruhibltion between certain Elana in, 32, 183; marriage in, proposal by intermediary (footnote), 157 ; marriage in, regulation OI, 132 at snq. ; mar held-dress pm oi regnlia of L01»: in, 14; men only owners of pigs, 191; modes of ï¬Åshing used in. 190; months of the year in describing stages in nynin oi yam cilltivniinn. 174, 175, 180; myths recorded irom, 45 ; Nalawan Society of, sea; Na-lawmn Society of, akin to other sacred societies, as-1; name! of Nalntllan grades from BmItl. of Malekula identical with H1052 0!, 430; names and titles oi Nimlmgki grades 01 Worvulu identical with those of, 374, 575: names nr villages iu, with preï¬Åx Law-, so, an ; naming cï¬Årï¬Åmbhy of _,_ 7 ;., T.