Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, VanuatuDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People i...86891<< >>
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Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides / Bernard A. Deacon / Vanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]

786 INDEX ‘
knocking out, preliminary to ‘oining
Langaxnbas in Lagilig, 4,92-4;
upper iuciswr, i‘Cm0'V8] 0!, in girls,
during oeremon; oi Ninnpvnnmi,
signiï¬Åizance 01,4 0, -181; [wamufs],
removal 0!, in Lambumbu, ‘rites
accompanying, 4as
Teltnonymy, instance n1, 104
TeI,aF, Lambumbu district also named, 6
'r=1= eu and Benaur, villages n4,
regarded an 0110 fur purposes of
marriage, 132
Tslmbwiv nmisl, member ï¬Åtle of Nah-
wan grade, 887, 410 ; mb1'l¢, member
title of Nninwnn grade, as1 ; M1412,
tifla bestowed “pm! candidate for
entrance into Lalcnguflnl Nimb-
imlni Tnnggm ado, 414; name
wnlerrerl On engance to Nalawafl
Nnainggal 404; Timbamp, membsr
title 0| Nalawan gmde, 387 ; 14113714.
mzmbur title of Nnlawnm grade, as“:
Tembbtipl, village oi’, dialect. 8
Tmbwal, u'ec1in11 01', 842
Tums: (Ghost), 45, 885, 547. 835;
npnnminnn not :11» Same us. s4s:
cult n1 ancellral ghosts as 1'€p.'l-
aented by. 988; dutruction of.
Iollwwed by manufacture n: nnw
Iemes at Nwinbur ceremonial,
464, 465; filndiimenual meaning
0! word, 435 ; (imagas of this dead),
878; in Nula104mcere1n0nial,386, 887:
in Sealing and Maskelyne mnnan.
similarity between, 378; inhabiting
Mmbmnbrkml of Looremew, 597;
invocation 06, s11; Malau, nmy
about (um and nnniinunn), 125;
Mnm. mask, named, 421, _ ph0t0-
gnph of, 428; Mninn. myflziml
aged man. named, 429: mbalm-
balin Nrllawam, Nnndnggnx cexemon ,
402 ; mbnlmbal. Nulawan mask, 42;;
mbalmbalof Nulmunn, 985 ; mbalmlml
of Nalawan grades, 385, 357 ; mbaI-
mbnl, tabil to woman, 386
Tsmls Mor Vial. 558, 596, 635;
gar I/Ml, totem 01 Mbwilnibax,
Tami: nnninggnz, 422; naainggnl,
blowing of, 392, sea; nminggbl.
blowing n1, at nmn, 529, sao;
naainggvl, description n4, 891;
mminggol In Nalnll/an um» gal
cAremOny, 401, 402; naainggzjm
Nnlnwmx and Nimangki crwmonifl-I.
3111; nnainggnl, iacred, blowing 114,
during memnninn 0! Nu-lav/M1, ass;
naainggol, mm to wmnen, ass;
nuainggal, unknuvm in Mewun, 4a2 v
naainggul, use ni, 392; mun‘ oi,
ilï¬Ån 11!, in Nalawml cewm0nia1,ngg5 ;
naafnggol, use of, rink Wifll which
nnnnnima, saa, 5.14 ;- flflhdl (ghoit
pBfl.1s),636 ; “£111, 402 ; Nimangki
11114 21>, 1.4241; 4» tap,
hat, mahuiinl of, 421; Q1 Loo;e<
mew i ge, as4; n4 Mat
Ru, aznnripeinn of, s11; of
Nani Mbimbamp, ami-ipiinn 0!,
2116-7; of Nflnmb Lnh, dwcriptiun
oi, 294 ; uf Numb Tilso, description
3;, 22955; 0! Nimbinban, dc-sI;'i§ti::i'i
, ; p 21. mask assocuat
with grade ï¬Ånamcl Limbu. 426;
speciï¬Åc being! (ghosts), balls! in, 45,
Tamas Savsap, sso, sea; Savsap
(gnnnainn female ghost 1.1 Rack
Le1nbwilSon8)i sss: Savsap (n inn),
d&ign repxesenflng, painteii) nn
iiinmi coverlet, 522, 525,—i11u11-
1ineeii,s22 E b
Tmc: wmpmmp, 2 gy mat up y
umidncn to Tnmnp, ass; Sump-
sump 0! the N4'mbs'n'. 415; 14':/ax’
nnnw, deshuctivc gnnnm. 524
Tamij, image 55¢ up at entrance to
Nimnnglii tank! (5enbare1), sso.
asi; sketch <11, am
1-may (Masks), 88!, ssz
Ten Marou Ind 11/miin, discrepancies
of kindred terms compaxbd, 120, 121 ;
i-nomnlons grouping 04 ems!-cullaina
in, 119. 12 ; nnnniunnn gi-nnpingi
ni kindred in, 11a, 119; kinship
cei-ms zwni, 117, 11s; tsrmiuolcgy
0! relatives in, 1110; CBIUIH used
in warm; OX telerriug bu
relatives paired with those 01'
Mninn, 11s
m, interpretation of, 242
mu. mm ->1 relationship ma by
than of eh: nan» genention, 15
TIM (fnflief), 12
Telenivgh, min explained, we
T2141 (annne). a4o; Nimznghi dance,
Tn/siin mbaai of Naluwnn, 404
Thabchers, cry 01 Navinbumbanu
(egress) nnninii by, 112, as
rimnning, ocremnny connected with.
rnm, muse of W31’, 21s
riniimin; mfll 01, niaing min 0!
Ndawu in pmcurlng a wife, in
Mewull, e4
"nine, prominence ni night in 111.1,.
1ni1nnn' innmna Of welcoming, as
Tiggmbw pig in Nnlaumn ceremonies,
Titles accompanied by purchase of
spacial gixdies, s42 ; number ni
pigs 120 be paid acwrding 1° value
of,2348; plllchllibib at s. Nimangki,
s4 ,
Tiviimnp. sflflbfl pnmiy of. 5111
I}. _,_,_ 2
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Books and Archives on Malekula / Malicolo, Vanuatu [Collection(s) 38]
Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides [Set(s) 833]
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Object(s) ID 86891
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Title/DescriptionDeacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides
Author(s)Bernard A. Deacon
LocationVanuatu, Nouvelles-Hébrides, Malekula, South-West Bay
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright Copying allowed for personal non-commercial use. Please quote ODSAS.
Rank 893 / 901
Filesize 421 Kb | 954 x 1402 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
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Quote this document Deacon, Arthur Bernard 1934 [accessed: 2025/3/13]. "Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides" (Object Id: 86891). In Deacon A.B., 1934. Malekula: A Vanishing People in the New Hebrides. ODSAS:
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