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You searched for "jenkins" in set A Long Night with Lethal Guests-Hagahai_Prints_Jenkins' family

objectdescriptor annotationgraphicaltranscriptionfilenamemovie/sound
278435 Jenkins' youngest son being fed by a Hagahai woman () /
278439 Aaron Jenkins, Carol and Travis' Jenkins' eldest son. On the left, half hidden George Anian, PNG Institute of Medical Research staff holding a still camera () /
278438 Travis Jenkins taking pictures () /
278436 Chris Owen films Carol Jenkins and her baby (youngest son) as they get down of the helicopter at their arrival among the Hagahai () /
278434 Carol Jenkins with two decorated Hagahai women () /
278433 Jenkins' youngest son being fed by a Hagahai woman () /
278441 Oliver Howes, director of the film A long night with lethal guests, taking a picture of Jenkins' youngest son () /
278442 Two Hagahai men and Aaron Jenkins in the background () /