Allison Jablonko : Baruya of Papua New GuineaBaruya négatifs 69_jab_god_r5327120>>
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You searched for "koumaineu" in set Baruya négatifs 69_jab_god_r5

objectdescriptor annotationgraphicaltranscriptionfilenamemovie/sound
327125 The meal after the kinship interview - FE 30. In MG's house. Gwadamaiwe et Koumaineu. () /
327134 Koumaineu takes a plate of food to give to Djirinnac who sits separately on floor. () /
327135 Koumaineu takes a plate of food to give to Djirinnac who sits separately on floor. () /
327136 Koumaineu gives plate of food to Djirinnac who sits separately on floor. () /