Owen, Chris WORKTukana_Prints_Film crew280254<< >>
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You searched for "tukana" in set Tukana_Prints_Film crew

objectdescriptor annotationgraphicaltranscriptionfilenamemovie/sound
280241 Chris Owen (director and cinematographer) and Les McLaren (sound recordist) with one of the actors in Tukana (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280240 Albert Toro (Tukana) on left and Chris Owen filming (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280238 From left to right: Albert Toro (Tukana), Chris Owen (director and cinematographer), Les McLaren (sound recordist). From behind: Wenceslas Noruke (Tohiana) (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280237 From left to right: Albert Toro (Tukana), Wenceslas Noruke (Tohiana) and Chris Owen (cinematographer) (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280253 From left to right: Wenceslas Noruke (Tohiana), an assistant holding the reflector, Chris Owen (director and cinematographer), Albert Toro (Tukana), and in the foreground, Les McLaren (sound recordist). (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280244 Filming Tukana. LesMcLaren and Annie Stiven at the door of the house where the film crew lived, next to the jail in Buka town. (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280242 Chris Owen filming in the foreground. Wenceslas Noruke (Tohiana) half hidden, with actresses in Tukana. On the right, Les McLaren's left arm (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280248 From left to right: Wenceslas Noruke (Tohiana), Chris Owen (director and cinematographer) and Albert Toro (Tukana) (1980-1981) / Hutjena wharf?, Bougainville
280247 Filming Tukana. Chris Owen at the door of the house where the film crew lived, next to the jail in Buka town. (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280245 Chris Owen filming Regina Talsa (Josephine, in canoe) and Albert Toro (Tukana) (1980-1981) / Buka Passage, Bougainville
280243 Chris Owen (director and cinematographer) and Les McLaren (sound recordist) with one of the actors in Tukana (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280255 Fiming a mortuary ceremony at the end of Tukana (1980-1981) / Bougainville
280252 Albert Toro (Tukana) on left and Chris Owen filming (1980-1981) / Bougainville