
Collection(s) Archives de chercheurs: Alexandre François, Carnets de terrain / Field notes - Vanuatu (id: collection 49)
ID ODSAS set 1131
Author(s) François, Alexandre
IdRef IdRef: 061624403
Author(s) Ling, Bishop
Owner Alexandre François
URI /set/1131
Browse Access set
Year/Period 1970s?
Publisher ODSAS
Access open
Number 16 Object(s)
Abstract Translation of some passages of the Gospels, in the Mwotlap language ...
Object typology Booksections / Booksection
Language(s) mlv

Table of Contents
Rank (id)ImageAuthor(s) Year/Period Title Identification Location Language(s)
106448 Mwotlap (mlv)
106449 Mwotlap (mlv)
106450 Mwotlap (mlv)
106451 Mwotlap (mlv)
106452 Mwotlap (mlv)
106453 Mwotlap (mlv)
106454 Mwotlap (mlv)
106455 Mwotlap (mlv)
106456 Mwotlap (mlv)
106457 Mwotlap (mlv)
106458 Mwotlap (mlv)
106459 Mwotlap (mlv)
106460 Mwotlap (mlv)
106461 Mwotlap (mlv)
106462 Mwotlap (mlv)
106463 Mwotlap (mlv)